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Sort Em All

Sort the color water to relax! Train your logic with this sorting puzzle game!
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Diupdate: 2022-09-08
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Menggunakan LDPlayer untuk Memainkan Sort Em All di PC

Sort Em All adalah game Teka-teki yang dikembangkan oleh Metajoy dan dapat dimainkan di perangkat seluler, tetapi dengan menggunakan emulator Android terbaik - LDPlayer, Anda dapat mengunduh Sort Em All dan memainkannya di komputer Anda.

Saat menjalankan Sort Em All di komputer Anda, Anda dapat memanfaatkan sumber daya CPU dan memori yang kuat pada komputer Anda tanpa perlu khawatir tentang keterlambatan atau crash.. Anda tidak lagi terbatas oleh baterai, data ponsel, atau panggilan telepon yang mengganggu. Anda dapat bermain sepuasnya.

LDPlayer adalah salah satu emulator Android untuk komputer yang berjalan di Windows, dirancang khusus untuk para pemain game mobile yang antusias, berdasarkan Android 9.0, yang meningkatkan pengalaman Anda dalam bermain Sort Em All di komputer dengan menyediakan kinerja yang lebih cepat dan FPS yang lebih tinggi.

Selain itu, LDPlayer menyediakan fitur-fitur unik untuk para pemain, termasuk dukungan untuk instance multi, unit makro, sinkronisasi, kontrol jarak jauh, dan fitur lainnya yang tidak tersedia di perangkat seluler. Mulailah dengan mengunduh Sort Em All dan memainkannya di komputer Anda sekarang!

Welcome to Sort Em All, a relaxing and addictive game that will immerse you in a world of tranquil water sorting puzzle. Dive into the joy of solving puzzles and let the soothing sounds of flowing water wash away your worries.

In Sort Em All , your mission is to master the water sorting. Sort and merge the same color water in tubes with various shapes, using your strategic skills to solve each level. As you progress, the puzzles become more challenging, putting your brain to the ultimate test. Exercise your mental muscles and enjoy the satisfaction of finding the perfect sorting solution.

Game Goal -- There are several glasses, tubes and bottles with color water. The goal is to tap the glasses, or tubes or bottles to merge the same color water in the same glass, same tube or same bottle.

-- If you get stuck when playing a water sort puzzle, you can restart at any time instead of stressful trying.

How To Play -- Tap any glasses, or tube, or bottle and pour the water into another one to merge.

-- Think carefully. Each glass contains more than two colors at the beginning. You need to merge and sort the different color water step by step.

-- Get stuck? Use tools! You can either restart the level or add another glass. Don’t hesitate to use hints! It's really powerful!

Sort Em All - Water Puzzle> Features -- Fun and Challenging Levels: Engage in a multitude of exciting levels that will keep you entertained for hours. Each level presents unique obstacles and opportunities, ensuring a dynamic and rewarding gameplay experience. As you progress more, you’ll find more tubes and colorful water added in game, won’t you want a try?

-- Relaxing and Addictive Gameplay: Sort Em All is fun and easy for sorting water levels, but also a bit of hard to master. You will easily get addicted to it. Unwind in the calming atmosphere of Sort Em All. Let the soothing water cascades and mesmerizing visuals transport you to a state of pure relaxation while you indulge in the addictive joy of sorting.

-- Special Events: In Sort Em All, we have prepared a special themed event for all our players, reach a certain level to unlock the event! In the event, you will find water sorting levels with the same difficulty as regular levels, but some levels are surely more tricky! Think before you make a move!

-- Unlock Rewards and Progress: Conquer the liquid brain teasers and unlock new challenges and rewards along the way. Keep pushing your limits and rise through the ranks as you become the Tube Master. By progressing more, you will win loads of rewards, and ultimate gifts in monthly special events.

❤ Tips ❤

Experience the ultimate joy of sorting in Sort Em All, a game that combines relaxation, brain-teasing puzzles, and addictive gameplay. Whether you're a fan of puzzle games or simply looking for a soothing way to unwind, Sort Em All has something for everyone.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to download this captivating game and embark on a sorting adventure like no other. Join the ranks of puzzle enthusiasts and discover the satisfaction of finding order amidst the flowing water. Let Sort Em All be your companion as you relax, challenge your mind, and enjoy the pure delight of solving puzzles.

Download Sort Em All now and let the journey begin!

Tangkapan layar dan video Sort Em All di PC

Unduh Sort Em All dan jalankan di komputer Anda dengan LDPlayer, nikmati keuntungan pandangan yang lebih luas, kualitas gambar game yang lebih tajam, serta keterampilan dan efek pertempuran yang lebih memukau. Pengalaman bermain yang sempurna dan ultimate, semuanya ada di LDPlayer.

Mengapa Menggunakan LDPlayer untuk Memainkan Sort Em All di PC?

LDPlayer menyediakan fitur-fitur unik untuk para pemain, termasuk dukungan untuk instance multi, unit makro, sinkronisasi, kontrol jarak jauh, dan fitur lainnya yang tidak tersedia di perangkat seluler.
Kendali jarak jauh
Kontrol yang dapat disesuaikan
Saat bermain Sort Em All, membuka beberapa instance untuk menjalankan akun game yang berbeda, dengan sinkronisasi, memungkinkan pengoperasian beberapa akun secara bersamaan. Ini sangat membantu untuk mengelola banyak akun game atau mengoordinasikan kerja tim selama bermain game.
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Cara Mengunduh Sort Em All di Komputer Anda


Unduh dan instal LDPlayer di komputer Anda


Temukan Play Store di aplikasi sistem LDPlayer, luncurkan, dan masuk ke akun Google Anda


Masukkan "Sort Em All" ke dalam bilah pencarian dan cari


Pilih dan instal Sort Em All dari hasil pencarian


Setelah pengunduhan dan instalasi selesai, kembali ke layar beranda LDPlayer


Klik ikon game di layar beranda LDPlayer untuk mulai menikmati game seru tersebut

Ingin mengunduh Sort Em All APK? Klik di sini untuk mengunduh APK.

Jika Anda sudah mengunduh file APK dari sumber lain, cukup buka LDPlayer dan seret file APK langsung ke emulator.

Jika Anda telah mengunduh file XAPK dari sumber lain, silakan merujuk ke tutorial untuk petunjuk instalasi.

Jika Anda memperoleh file APK dan data OBB dari sumber lain, silakan merujuk ke tutorial untuk petunjuk instalasi.

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