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Star Wars: Hunters™

Battle in this multiplayer team combat mobile game in the STAR WARS galaxy!
Bagaimana cara mengunduh dan memainkan Star Wars: Hunters™ di komputer?
Diupdate: 2025-02-26
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Menggunakan LDPlayer untuk Memainkan Star Wars: Hunters™ di PC

Star Wars: Hunters™ adalah sebuah game Laga yang dikembangkan oleh Zynga. LDPlayer adalah emulator terbaik untuk memainkan Star Wars: Hunters™ di komputer dengan sistem operasi Windows. Emulator ini dapat memberikan fitur-fitur yang kuat untuk membantu Anda mendapatkan pengalaman bermain game yang mendalam dalam game Star Wars: Hunters™.

Saat memainkan Star Wars: Hunters™ di PC, Anda dapat mengatur FPS tinggi untuk menikmati layar game terbaik.

LDPlayer juga menawarkan pemetaan kunci yang dikonfigurasi untuk memaksimalkan kenyamanan Anda dalam mengontrol pengoperasian seluruh game.Pengoptimalan terus menerus dari fungsi pemetaan keyboard meningkatkan sensitivitas tombol dan akurasi pelepasan keterampilan.Untuk meningkatkan pengalaman bermain game Anda, LDPlayer juga mengonfigurasi tombol khusus untuk Anda,seperti tombol menembak, tombol mouse tersembunyi, penekanan tombol terus menerus, dan sebagainya.

Jika Anda ingin bermain game dengan GamePad,Deteksi Gamepad yang diaktifkan secara otomatis membantu Anda menyesuaikan kontrol dalam beberapa klik mudah untuk menggerakkan hero Anda dengan bebas.Mulailah dengan mengunduh Star Wars: Hunters™ dan memainkannya di komputer Anda sekarang!

Welcome to the planet Vespaara - where under the bright lights of the Arena, survivors of the fallen Galactic Empire and new heroes alike face-off in spectacular gladiatorial battles that will solidify the victors as legends throughout the galaxy.

Love shooter games and arena combat games? Then get ready to dominate your opponents in Star Wars: Hunters.

Located deep in the Outer Rim on Vespaara, and under the eye of the Hutt command ship, the competitions in the Arena evoke stories of the battles that have defined galactic history and are inspiring a new era of combat entertainment. Star Wars: Hunters is a thrilling, free-to-play action game featuring new, authentic characters engaged in epic battles. New Hunters, weapon wraps, maps, and additional content will be released every Season.

Gear up for battle and pick a Hunter that suits your playstyle. The roster of new, unique characters includes dark-side assassins, one-of-a-kind droids, nefarious bounty hunters, Wookiees, and Imperial stormtroopers. Outshine your opponents by mastering diverse abilities and strategies, all while fighting it out in intense 4v4 third-person combat. Fame and fortune grow closer with every victory.

Team up and prepare for battle. Star Wars: Hunters is a team-based arena shooter game where two teams go head-to-head in an exciting online multiplayer game. Fight against opponents on adventurous battlefields that evoke iconic Star Wars locales such as Hoth, Endor, and the second Death Star. Fans of multiplayer games will love the no-holds-barred team fight action. Online games with friends will never be the same. Take on rival squads, perfect your tactics, and emerge victorious.

Show off your style by equipping your Hunter with cool and unique costumes, victory poses, and weapon appearances, to ensure that your character stands out on the battlefield.

Participate in new events, including Ranked Season Events, as well as new game modes to earn fantastic rewards.

Explore the diversity of gameplay in Star Wars: Hunters through a variety of thrilling game modes. In Dynamic Control, take command over the high-octane battlefield by holding the active Control Point while also preventing the opposing team from entering the objective boundaries. In Trophy Chase, two teams attempt to hold the Trophy Droid to score points. The first team to reach 100% wins the game. Fight as a team in Squad Brawl to see who can reach 20 eliminations first to win.

Show off your skills in Ranked mode and rise to the top of the leaderboards. Hunters wield unique weaponry such as a lightsaber, scatter gun, blaster, and more in battle. Challenge yourself in this competitive shooting game with friends. Climb through a series of Leagues and Divisions for a chance to reach the highest Rank on the leaderboard and become one of the stars of the show.

Download the free app, fire up the Arena crowd, and become the master of this PVP game.

Star Wars: Hunters is free to download and includes optional in-game purchases (including random items). Information about drop rates for random item purchases can be found in-game. If you wish to disable in-game purchases, please turn off the in-app purchases in your mobile phone or tablet’s settings. For information about how Zynga uses personal data, please read our privacy policy at www.take2games.com/privacy.

Terms of Service: https://www.zynga.com/legal/terms-of-service
Privacy Policy: https://www.zynga.com/privacy/policy

Tangkapan layar dan video Star Wars: Hunters™ di PC

Unduh Star Wars: Hunters™ dan jalankan di komputer Anda dengan LDPlayer, nikmati keuntungan pandangan yang lebih luas, kualitas gambar game yang lebih tajam, serta keterampilan dan efek pertempuran yang lebih memukau. Pengalaman bermain yang sempurna dan ultimate, semuanya ada di LDPlayer.

Mengapa Menggunakan LDPlayer untuk Memainkan Star Wars: Hunters™ di PC?

LDPlayer menyediakan fitur-fitur unik untuk para pemain, termasuk dukungan untuk instance multi, unit makro, sinkronisasi, kontrol jarak jauh, dan fitur lainnya yang tidak tersedia di perangkat seluler.
Layar Ultra Lebar
Pemetaan papan ketik
Makro sekali klik
Memanfaatkan layar yang luas, ia menawarkan pemandangan permainan Star Wars: Hunters™ yang menyeluruh dan menyeluruh, tanpa meninggalkan titik buta. Pemain dapat mengamati detail permainan dengan sangat jelas dan bereaksi secara instan.
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Cara Mengunduh Star Wars: Hunters™ di Komputer Anda


Unduh dan instal LDPlayer di komputer Anda


Temukan Play Store di aplikasi sistem LDPlayer, luncurkan, dan masuk ke akun Google Anda


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Pilih dan instal Star Wars: Hunters™ dari hasil pencarian


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Klik ikon game di layar beranda LDPlayer untuk mulai menikmati game seru tersebut

Ingin mengunduh Star Wars: Hunters™ APK? Klik di sini untuk mengunduh APK.

Jika Anda sudah mengunduh file APK dari sumber lain, cukup buka LDPlayer dan seret file APK langsung ke emulator.

Jika Anda telah mengunduh file XAPK dari sumber lain, silakan merujuk ke tutorial untuk petunjuk instalasi.

Jika Anda memperoleh file APK dan data OBB dari sumber lain, silakan merujuk ke tutorial untuk petunjuk instalasi.

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