HeyJapan: Learn Japanese adalah aplikasi Pendidikan yang dikembangkan oleh Language Skills Studio dan dapat dijalankan di perangkat mobile, tetapi dengan menggunakan emulator Android terbaik - LDPlayer, Anda dapat mengunduh HeyJapan: Learn Japanese dan menjalankannya di komputer Anda.
Dengan menjalankan HeyJapan: Learn Japanese di komputer, Anda dapat menjelajah dengan jelas di layar yang lebih besar, serta mengendalikan aplikasi dengan menggunakan mouse dan keyboard jauh lebih cepat daripada menyentuh layar, dan Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang kekuatan perangkat Anda.
Berkat fitur multi-instance dan sinkronisasi, Anda juga dapat menjalankan aplikasi dan akun ganda di komputer Anda.
Fungsi transfer file antara emulator dan komputer juga memudahkan berbagi foto, video, dan file.
Unduh HeyJapan: Learn Japanese dan jalankan di komputer Anda sekarang dan nikmati layar besar dan kualitas gambar yang tajam untuk versi PC!
Learn Japanese anytime, anywhere! Learn less but be more effective!
You can actively choose 15 to 30 minutes to
learn Japanese daily with HeyJapan. Regularly for 2 to 3 months, you will see the difference!
A clear daily learning path to learn essential
Japanese words, kanji, basic grammar, phrases, and practice listening, speaking. In addition, every day you can spend 20 minutes more revising the entire lesson.
At the weekend, review all the essential words and phrases you learned during the week and earn good badges from HeyJapan! Your Japanese will definitely improve rapidly!
HeyJapan is suitable for people who learn:
⭐️ Learners who want to self-study Japanese at home but don't know how to start, don't have a clear learning direction
⭐️ Learners want to find effective methods to learn Japanese
⭐️ Learners want to be proactive about time and place
⭐️ Learners who want to study to support better communication and take the JLPT
Learning the Japanese alphabet is the first step you need to take to conquer this interesting language.
HeyJapan is a
Japanese learning app that provides a full range of skills when you study at home: vocabulary, grammar, kanji, listening, and reading. The application is an excellent Japanese learning app to support learning communication and taking the JLPT
HeyJapan main features:
🔥 Most especially, HeyJapan's Shibi chat feature will help you quickly apply what you've learned in Japanese into practice. Shibi is like your Japanese friend. It will talk you through the topics you've learned. Therefore, you will feel more excited, remember Japanese vocabulary longer, and know how to apply grammar in communication.
Japanese conversation feature is one of the new features developed recently. This feature will help you review vocabulary and grammar in a conversation topic. Then you can practice speaking with or without subtitles. It is useful for those who want to practice Japanese communication.
🔥 Learn all skills like vocabulary, grammar, listening, and reading on familiar topics, which can be applied in life such as family, work, food, and greetings,…
>> Japanese reading and grammars N5, N4
>> Japanese vocabulary for communication
>> Japanese vocabulary, kanji with pictures
>> Japanese listening with the audio
🔥 Build a Japanese learning path suitable for each learner's goals. Whether you choose to study Japanese every day for 15, 30, or 45 minutes. The application will suggest the route to learn Japanese what skills, and what lessons, this will help you feel like having a teacher guide you when going to school.
🔥 Boost motivation with cute badges that make Japanese learning more fun
You will receive adorable titles such as Speaking Newbie when you complete a speaking exercise and Writing Expert when you write 50 new words,...
🔥 Synthesize the test questions so that Japanese learners can check their level, supporting JLPT exam goals
>> 15 JLPT N5 practice tests
>> 10 JLPT N4 practice tests
>> 15 JLPT N3 practice tests
📚 HeyJapan makes learning Japanese fun, interesting, memorable, and easier. Let's make friends with Heyjapan and conquer Japan together!
If you are using other applications such as Mazii, Easy Japanese New – TODAI, Migii JLPT, please support us because we are the same corporation.
HeyJapan always wants to send you the best Japanese vocabulary and grammar application. However, errors are inevitable, HeyJapan is looking forward to your feedback to improve the application better and better. Please send your feedback to email: heyjapan@eupgroup.net
Aplikasi yang bagus bagi pemula yg ingin belajar bahasa Jepang, baik untuk anak-anak ataupun orang dewasa. Penjelasan mudah dimengerti. Tapi untuk alfabet cara penulisannya berbeda dengan yang ada di soal, walaupun saya juga tahu penulisannya memang diperuntukkan untuk anak-anak ataupun pemula. Hanya itu saja yang bisa saya katakan, terimakasih
VERY GOOD. Sangat membantu belajar bahasa jepang dengan fitur dan pembahasannya secara rinci. Selain itu, ada juga tes nya.
Bagus sekali semisal belum lancar bisa di ulang, mudah di mengerti bagi pemula atupun yg sudah memiliki bassic jadi good apps👍