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TAPSONIC World Champion - rhythm game

Bagaimana cara mengunduh dan memainkan TAPSONIC World Champion - rhythm game di komputer?
Diupdate: 2021-03-25
Unduh APK

Menggunakan LDPlayer untuk Memainkan TAPSONIC World Champion - rhythm game di PC

TAPSONIC World Champion - rhythm game adalah game Musik yang dikembangkan oleh NEOWIZ dan dapat dimainkan di perangkat seluler, tetapi dengan menggunakan emulator Android terbaik - LDPlayer, Anda dapat mengunduh TAPSONIC World Champion - rhythm game dan memainkannya di komputer Anda.

Saat menjalankan TAPSONIC World Champion - rhythm game di komputer Anda, Anda dapat memanfaatkan sumber daya CPU dan memori yang kuat pada komputer Anda tanpa perlu khawatir tentang keterlambatan atau crash.. Anda tidak lagi terbatas oleh baterai, data ponsel, atau panggilan telepon yang mengganggu. Anda dapat bermain sepuasnya.

LDPlayer adalah salah satu emulator Android untuk komputer yang berjalan di Windows, dirancang khusus untuk para pemain game mobile yang antusias, berdasarkan Android 9.0, yang meningkatkan pengalaman Anda dalam bermain TAPSONIC World Champion - rhythm game di komputer dengan menyediakan kinerja yang lebih cepat dan FPS yang lebih tinggi.

Selain itu, LDPlayer menyediakan fitur-fitur unik untuk para pemain, termasuk dukungan untuk instance multi, unit makro, sinkronisasi, kontrol jarak jauh, dan fitur lainnya yang tidak tersedia di perangkat seluler. Mulailah dengan mengunduh TAPSONIC World Champion - rhythm game dan memainkannya di komputer Anda sekarang!

[Notice] Tapsonic World Champion Service Termination.

Dear all customers,

We would like to inform you that Tapsonic World Champion will discontinue its service after December 3, 2021.
Despite all of your support, we thought that it is difficult to provide satisfactory service to our customers.
We ask for your understanding that the service is inevitably terminated.
We do appreciate all our players who have supported and loved Tapsonic World Champion.

Please read the details below for further information.

[Service Termination Schedule]
Termination of In-app Purchase : November 2, 2021 14:00 (UTC+9)
Service Termination of Tapsonic World Champion: December 3, 2021 14:00 (UTC+9)

[Refund Process]
The Remaining paid Diamonds will be refunded. Please submit a refund request to our Customer Support or mobilecs@help.pmang.com with the following information within the request period. You should send the needed information in English.

□Request Period: 11/02/2021 (Tue)~ 12/03/2021(Fri) (UTC+9)
□Instructions: Tap [Settings] at the top right corner (Cogwheel shape icon) > Tap [Help] next to the USN > Purchase Inquiries.
□Needed Information
- Email or Gmail address:
- Name (Account holder):
- Address:
- Country:
- Bank name:
- Bank address:
- Bank code (SWIFT code):
- Account number:
- Order number: Screenshot of all payments that you paid.
When you send a screenshot, please know that screenshots can be sent to mobilecs@help.pmang.com.
And, we only can receive image files as the format of jpg, png.
If you have more than 2 image files, please compress them to .zip file.
- Game account ID (USN) : Find it at the top of the Settings menu. (9 digit number)

If you have any questions on service termination, please contact us through in-game Customer Support or mobilecs@help.pmang.com.

Thank you for your support and we hope to bring you more exciting games in the future.

Tapsonic World Champion Team.


Welcome to TAPSONIC World Champion!
Players all around the world are waiting for you.

TWC invites you to the worldwide competition.
Be a member of national team and compete with other players all over the world.

TWC is a traditional arcade-style rhythm game with music video.
Music, beat, video, and notes. What more do we need for rhythm game?

TWC provides various ranking systems. Including rank by country, world, international competitions, and also there are Masters Ranking for the true champions.
Prove your skills in various rankings, and become the representatives of your countries!

CAHMPION'S TOUR provides a field of competition with selected tracks and scheduled day to players.
Similar to the real sports competition, there is only one chance for all participants.
Premium tracks that users have to buy to play will be provided for free in CHAMPION'S TOUR.
It is a competition that you can truly show your skills.

TWC highly supports 'Fair Play' attitude.
There are no pay-to-win elements in game such as characters or score boosters. You can play dozens of tracks for free including basically given tracks and ad-acquired tracks.

- Download free songs from the previous TAPSONIC and DJMAX series.
- Tap & Slide, easy to play.
- Experience high quality of rhythm effect.
- Challenge 3 different difficulties : Basic, Pro and Legend.
- Get more medals with high score to make your country win.
- Offline game mode supported.

You can be the champion of a global rhythm game TAPSONIC World Champion!

※ Forward all and any inquiries to mobilecs@help.pmang.com.

@ NEOWIZ All rights reserved.

Tangkapan layar dan video TAPSONIC World Champion - rhythm game di PC

Unduh TAPSONIC World Champion - rhythm game dan jalankan di komputer Anda dengan LDPlayer, nikmati keuntungan pandangan yang lebih luas, kualitas gambar game yang lebih tajam, serta keterampilan dan efek pertempuran yang lebih memukau. Pengalaman bermain yang sempurna dan ultimate, semuanya ada di LDPlayer.

Mengapa Menggunakan LDPlayer untuk Memainkan TAPSONIC World Champion - rhythm game di PC?

LDPlayer menyediakan fitur-fitur unik untuk para pemain, termasuk dukungan untuk instance multi, unit makro, sinkronisasi, kontrol jarak jauh, dan fitur lainnya yang tidak tersedia di perangkat seluler.
Kendali jarak jauh
Kontrol yang dapat disesuaikan
Saat bermain TAPSONIC World Champion - rhythm game, membuka beberapa instance untuk menjalankan akun game yang berbeda, dengan sinkronisasi, memungkinkan pengoperasian beberapa akun secara bersamaan. Ini sangat membantu untuk mengelola banyak akun game atau mengoordinasikan kerja tim selama bermain game.
Membaca lebih

Cara Mengunduh TAPSONIC World Champion - rhythm game di Komputer Anda


Unduh dan instal LDPlayer di komputer Anda


Temukan Play Store di aplikasi sistem LDPlayer, luncurkan, dan masuk ke akun Google Anda


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Klik ikon game di layar beranda LDPlayer untuk mulai menikmati game seru tersebut

Ingin mengunduh TAPSONIC World Champion - rhythm game APK? Klik di sini untuk mengunduh APK.

Jika Anda sudah mengunduh file APK dari sumber lain, cukup buka LDPlayer dan seret file APK langsung ke emulator.

Jika Anda telah mengunduh file XAPK dari sumber lain, silakan merujuk ke tutorial untuk petunjuk instalasi.

Jika Anda memperoleh file APK dan data OBB dari sumber lain, silakan merujuk ke tutorial untuk petunjuk instalasi.

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