Ys 6 Mobile VNG

Classic Fantasy Isekai Adventure RPG of 30 Years - Now on Mobile!
VNG Corporation - Công ty Cổ phần VNG

Unduh Ys 6 Mobile VNG APK

Versi: kapan 1.2.7
Diperbarui pada 2023-08-14
Peringkat 3.3
Kategori Strategi
Nama paket adventure.rpg.anime.game.vng.ys6
Unduhan 500+

Deskripsi Ys 6 Mobile VNG


Officially licensed by Falcom and published by VNG Games, Ys 6 Mobile is the next generation masterpiece from Ys – an RPG classic series that has captured the hearts of millions of adventurers for over 30 years.

Along with the arrival of Dragon Fighter character, Ys 6 Mobile promises you a more adventurous journey to explore the large open world, show off your PK skill 24/7, conquer the super Bosses, join exciting guild wars, etc.


1. Dragon Fighter

Waking up after hundreds of years, the first Dragon Fighter - Aegon Dragon Black always desires to revenge humanity because of the past connflicts. Aegon commanded the army to attack the beautiful Canaan Islands to implement his plan implementately, his descendants - Orlando Dragon Fighter were present in time and prevented the tragedy from happening. Possessing a special gameplay, Dragon Fighter is an extremely brave melee warrior, can constantly approach and launch combo rights to destroy the opponent in the blink of an eye. The last memory that Dragon Fighter's rivals remember was just a severe pain and burning temperatures of the fire spread throughout the body.

In addition, can change into other Class: Warrior, Ranger, Mage, Assassin, Samurai, Demon Hunter to move flexibly according to preferences, awakening and creating unique skill.

2. Thrilling battles of all shapes & sizes

Enjoy diverse combat quests and battles: dungeons, story mode, boss raid, treasure hunts... to gain EXP and receive valuable rewards while simultaneously discovering stories of Ys 6 Mobile’s world.

Teaming up to challenge powerful bosses and conquer epic battles, or facing off opponents in individual battles, do you have what it takes to emerge victorious?

3. Enchanting pet collection

Collect various pets to accompany you in battles and exploration. Upgrade your pets’ attributes for more advanced combat abilities and evolve their unique looks.

4. Gacha hero soul cards

Collect rare soul cards to power up and fight for glorious rewards

5. Social life: Never a dull moment

Along the journey, there are inevitably sweet romantic encounters that come with surprises. Tight the knot with your destined partner for a grand wedding and receive various beneficial couple gifts.

In addition, indulge yourself in other leisure activities such as farming, home furnishing, NPC interactions... which will soothe the hearts of adventurers and help gain a moment of peace and tranquility in the exciting adventure.




* RECORD_AUDIO: Assist voice chat function

* CAMERA: Assist camera function

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Komentar tentang Ys 6 Mobile VNG versi Android

Duhh lag bgt udah set ke rendah + max fps, mana bayangan gk bisa diilangin. Untuk game berukuran 3gb sangat lag. Tambahan setelah uninstall karena tidak bisa login, akun hilang.
Hallo min kenapa tidak ada costum free untuk player ? bahkan rate gacha kostum terlalu sulit dan harga top up sangat mahal di bandingkan negara lain.
Gamenya sangat bagus dan ada bahasa indonesia. pendapatku sih, Pertama dari jaringan mungkin ,dan kayaknya rada kepenuhan Fitur nya di taruh semua gitu ,jadi kalau bisa sih dijadikan simple ,Seperti satu tombol yang memuat semua fitur. Mini map nya juga gak keliatan ,itu kenapa? Notif nya juga rada nutupin. tambahin juga fitur biar nama player yang di sekitar, gak keliatan, jadi gak terlalu penuh teks.dan nama item yang ke drop sebaik nya ada pengatura on/of buat buat munculkan/sembunyikan item

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Ya, Anda dapat memutar Ys 6 Mobile VNG di komputer Anda dengan menginstal emulator Android - LDPlayer. Setelah menginstal LDPlayer, cukup drag dan drop file APK yang diunduh ke emulator untuk mulai memutar Ys 6 Mobile VNG di PC. Alternatifnya, Anda dapat membuka emulator, mencari game atau aplikasi yang ingin Anda mainkan di Play Store yang ada di dalam LDPlayer, dan menginstalnya dari sana.

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