The Ancestral Legacy!

Jump into a world of mystery and horror in this visual novel game
Buff Studio (Story Games, Calm Games)

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Versi: kapan 1.1.2
Diperbarui pada 2023-03-24
Peringkat 4.9
Kategori Santai
Nama paket
Unduhan 100+

Deskripsi The Ancestral Legacy!

Kyung Lee arrives at a country village to spend summer vacation.
His peace and quiet are ruined by an unwanted encounter.

"You are of the Lee line?"
"I will watch all from within your own eyes"
"Do not worry. You will surely be rewarded."

The spirit slowly starts to change Kyung and the people around him.....

📔 An exciting visual mystery novel game
'The Ancestral Legacy' is a brand new mystery thriller visual novel game that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
'The Ancestral Legacy' is an interactive mystery novel, true to the genre, and uses an easy to use messenger format.

🎮 Main features
- A mystery that will keep you guessing until the very end
- The story changes with every choice you make
- Unique visuals will maximize the horror
- Various layouts that flow with the story of the visual mystery novel
- Distinctive and bewitching characters perfect for the thriller
- The changing fate of the characters based on the main character's choices
- Achievements to unlock, various endings and an epilogue to read
- Witty conversation to keep you glued as you dive into the mysterious story

👍 The Ancestral Legacy is just for you!
- For fans of '7Days', 'Underworld Office', 'The Sign', 'Simulacra'
- Easy games
- For fans of animatronics, ghost, spirit and other horror simulation
- For fans of text games like light novels or visual novels
- For fans of decision games, episode simulation games and other games where you make the choice
- For those who want to experience unique mystery like 'Hello Neighbor', 'Five Nights'
- For those who are attracted to addictive storylines and spellbinding characters
- For those who prefer texting games like 'I Am Innocent'
- For those who like interactive story games

'The Ancestral Legacy' is a visual horror novel game that lets you step into the shoes of the main character and experience mystery, horror, and thrills as you choose your own story. Experience a wide range of episodes and discover tons of thrilling stories in all the chapters.

Download the game now to meet the spirit.

The Buff Studio story team's Twitter:

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Komentar tentang The Ancestral Legacy! versi Android

Story, visual, backsound, dan plot twist nya keren! Kita bisa milih berbagai jenis ending karena beda-beda tergantung kita pilih yang mana. Minusnya terlalu banyak basa-basi di percakapan, jadi bikin kurang sreg. Di game lain percakapannya worth it, kalau yang ini terlalu banyak. Tiketnya mudah didapat dengan nonton iklan, juga misteri yang kita pecahkan mantap puol... 95/100
Nice Recommended, story line nya seru dan rasanya kayak beneran berada di posisi karakter utama(lupa nama), menurut ak. Dan btw tolong ditambahkan bahasa Indonesia nya, biar tambah nyaman. Kalau udah ada "I'm very grateful to you :)
Yess, this is buff studio style~ Overall suka sih, masih nyari true ending ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ. Tiket gampang nonton iklan, walau kadang bug. Yang aku rasain pas main penasaran sih sebenernya apa yang terjadi di village ini. Jadi ngerasain tokohnya. Dari macam² kejadian, jadi makin muak tinggal di village ini wkwk. I hope Indonesia language will be available soon hehe. Ditunggu novel visual game lainnya developer!! 😊

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Ya, The Ancestral Legacy! mengikuti pedoman konten Google Play untuk memastikan penggunaan yang aman di perangkat Android Anda.

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Bisakah saya memutar The Ancestral Legacy! di komputer saya?

Ya, Anda dapat memutar The Ancestral Legacy! di komputer Anda dengan menginstal emulator Android - LDPlayer. Setelah menginstal LDPlayer, cukup drag dan drop file APK yang diunduh ke emulator untuk mulai memutar The Ancestral Legacy! di PC. Alternatifnya, Anda dapat membuka emulator, mencari game atau aplikasi yang ingin Anda mainkan di Play Store yang ada di dalam LDPlayer, dan menginstalnya dari sana.

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