Quit X Addiction

Your helper with addiction, your addiction recovery app to improve sex health

Unduh Quit X Addiction APK

Versi: kapan 2.0.22
Diperbarui pada 2024-10-10
Peringkat 3.9
Kategori Kesehatan & Kebugaran
Nama paket quit.porn.addiction
Unduhan 5+

Deskripsi Quit X Addiction

Sex addiction, like other addictions, is real! We're here to help you quit addicton once and for all. Having been inspired by the healthy lifestyle community, we created a mobile app that will help you stop watching porn. It's time to break the cycle!

What problems does the app solve?

Are you tired of feeling bad about yourself because of porn, but don't know how to stop it? Has it affected your self-esteem, health? Maybe you’ve even experienced problems with libido and reproductive health? Free-porn days counter app will help you.

This app can help with your sex addiction. Is not an adult blocker, porn blocker or health education. It's designed to help you get rid of pornography addiction by giving you tools that will help you focus on your goals and stay motivated. With this habit tracker, you will be able to monitor your progress with bad habit tracker. A little detox won’t hurt! Detoxify right now.

We know how hard it is to abstain from watching sexual content. However, the benefits of stopping are numerous. You will feel happier, more confident, and less stressed out about your life. It can also help fortify your relationships with the people around you and improve sex life. That's why we created this app to speed up your recovery!

How to work with the application

This application has three steps:

The first step is completing a survey to paint a clear picture of your current porn-dependence situation. This will help us understand what needs to be changed and how it can be done.

The second step is the most difficult part: accepting the challenge, committing yourself to quit sex addiction and taking action.

The third and final step is maintaining discipline for as long as it takes for your brain to rewire to life without watching porn. Use the addiction tracker, bad habit tracker and you can feel libido booster for men.

Bad habit tracker features

- Daily check-ups
A daily survey in which we ask the user 2 questions about watching porn. If the answer to both questions is “no,” you get 100 points. If at least one is “yes,” your progress is reset to 0, and your noporn journey continues with quit habit app.

- Status/progress
We’ll count the days you’ve spent in abstinence from watching pornography. The app will help you see how many hours you saved every day if you quit sex addiction, make health improve with accountability and quit bad habits.

- Reminders
Quit addiction, it is not a sprint, but a marathon! You’ll get regular check-in reminders to keep you on track. No porn in your life by quitting app!

- Warnings
If the app detects a high chance of craving porn on a particular day several weeks in a row, you’ll get a warning on that day.

- SOS button
Once in a while, the app will give you a random task to distract you from thoughts about porn with days counter app. For example, the task can be to do 10 push-ups or clean your work desk. This will help you reboot in the moment and break porn addiction in the long run! You don't need iron will to quit addiction for good. Use the addiction recovery app to break bad habits.

- Achieves
If you make a notable achievement you get a reward! All achievements are fireproof, which means once you receive them, they cannot be taken away!

By using this quit bad habits tracker, taking action & quitting unhealthy self-destructive habits, noporn days count, you can change your life for the better — and that's something worth getting excited about! You can detoxify and quitnow.

Our company does not collect data about you. All data that is collected is used to improve the application. Read more here:

Privacy Policy - http://project5752771.tilda.ws/privacy-policy
Billing terms - http://project5752771.tilda.ws/billing-terms
Terms of Use - http://project5752771.tilda.ws/

Feedback? Questions? Contact us at support@mintlv.co

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Pertanyaan Umum APK Quit X Addiction

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