Omega Legends

Fight in a virtual world and use abilities in a sci-fi survival shooter.

Unduh Omega Legends APK

Versi: kapan 1.0.77
Diperbarui pada 2021-03-10
Peringkat 4.4
Kategori Laga
Nama paket
Unduhan 4K+

Deskripsi Omega Legends

Omega Legends is a sci-fi battle royale shooter set in the near future where the game known as "Ω" has taken the world by storm! Select a Hero and make use of their abilities to defeat the competition. Choose to fight alone or team up with friends in intense battles with one hundred participants. Hunt down enemies, build defenses, or take a stealthy approach, do whatever it takes to be the last one standing!

Distinct Heroes with Unique Abilities
Heroes with unique abilities to suit different playstyles. Any Hero is capable of dominating the battlefield in the right hands! Whether you prefer stealth, rush attacks, healing, or defensive play, there is always a Hero that matches and enhances your strategy. Use the Heroes' abilities at opportune moments to gain the upper hand in every match!

Battle Players Around the World in Diverse Modes
Play in a variety of modes! Fight to be the last player standing in the classic Survival Mode, or outwit and outlast your opponents in the all-new Covert Operation!

Large-Scale Multiplayer Battles on Dynamic Maps
Beautiful maps serve as backdrops for large-scale battles. The terrain changes over the course of battle to provide an immersive experience! Experience the innovative game mode, Covert Operation, where the key to victory is to eliminate each enemy with one decisive stroke.

A Multitude of Items and Realistic Gunplay
Choose from a wide variety of firearms modeled after real guns, each with distinct traits for unique shooting experiences! Use a wide variety of items at your disposal, including highly destructive Fragmentation Grenades, Flashbangs and Smoke Grenades to disrupt visibility, and volatile Landmines that can be hidden.

Fair and Fun Experience
Omega Legends is optimized to provide smooth gameplay on most devices. Our anti-cheat system and no-weapon-selling policy uphold fair competition.

Quick Matchmaking or Team Up with Friends
Jump into the action with quick matchmaking or create custom rooms to team up with your friends!

Official Facebook Page:

Note: This game requires an internet connection to play.

Unduh APK Android
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Komentar tentang Omega Legends versi Android

Untuk developer, sebenarnya saya pernah mainin game ini pas awal awal rilis, habis itu gak main lagi, tapi setelah download lagi, halaman event menjadi kosong dan tidak bisa mengakses event, apakah update sekarang yg membenarkan bug malah menambah bug yg parah, kecewa sih.
Overall sudah bagus,meski saya player baru & gak jago maen game genre shooter,ada settingan grafik,fps,dsb itu sudah bagus,mungkin next update bisa ditambahkan karakter baru,trus ngincer musuh bisa sambil rebahan.
Untuk gamenya lumayan, tpi mohon di perbaiki, control pada gamenya supaya di buat lebih mudah dan bisa di sesuaikan, Dan mohon kurangi resolusi Lag, patah patah pada gamenya, agar bisa di mainkan di hp yang ram nya kecil, Mohon bantuannya 🙏

Pertanyaan Umum APK Omega Legends

Apakah Omega Legends aman untuk perangkat saya?

Ya, Omega Legends mengikuti pedoman konten Google Play untuk memastikan penggunaan yang aman di perangkat Android Anda.

Apa itu file XAPK, dan apa yang harus saya lakukan jika Omega Legends yang saya download adalah file XAPK?

File dengan ekstensi .xapk adalah file paket terkompresi. Ini adalah format file kontainer yang menggabungkan APK dan file terkait tambahan yang diperlukan untuk instalasi. Format XAPK diperkenalkan untuk mengemas file APK dan file OBB bersama-sama untuk proses pengiriman dan instalasi yang lancar. Format XAPK dapat membantu mengurangi ukuran paket aplikasi. Di ponsel, pengguna perlu menginstal installer XAPK terlebih dahulu, kemudian menginstal file XAPK melalui installer tersebut. Anda dapat menemukan penginstalnya di sini: pasang/. Namun pada PC client, Anda hanya perlu meletakkan file tersebut di LDPlayer.

Bisakah saya memutar Omega Legends di komputer saya?

Ya, Anda dapat memutar Omega Legends di komputer Anda dengan menginstal emulator Android - LDPlayer. Setelah menginstal LDPlayer, cukup drag dan drop file APK yang diunduh ke emulator untuk mulai memutar Omega Legends di PC. Alternatifnya, Anda dapat membuka emulator, mencari game atau aplikasi yang ingin Anda mainkan di Play Store yang ada di dalam LDPlayer, dan menginstalnya dari sana.

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