Grand Hotel Mania: Hotel games

Hotel tycoon game. Dash and time management games. My perfect hotel simulator

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Versi: kapan
Diperbarui pada 2024-09-30
Peringkat 4.2
Kategori Petualangan
Nama paket com.deuscraft.TurboTeam
Unduhan 100+

Deskripsi Grand Hotel Mania: Hotel games

Simulation games!
Build a dream hotel with Grand Hotel Mania! It has everything you like – food cooking, time management, renovation and many more!

Your hotel, your rules! Grand Hotel Mania is a unique hotel idle game recognized by players around the world.

Try your hand as the manager of a chain of first-class hotels ready to offer the best service to all their guests!

This hotel simulator has several unique features:
• Gameplay is addictive as you develop your hotel!
• Great graphics show your hotel in all its glory!
• Regular updates that feature new dream hotels!
• A unique gaming experience that only great hotel games can give!

This hotel simulator features a beautiful game environment that will win over any player's heart. Grand Hotel Mania's hotels are designed with passion, which is why this hotel story is so memorable. You'll meet interesting characters, like your assistants Ted and Monica. They'll do everything to make you a hotel master! Charming Monica will greet guests with a smile, while hardworking Ted will make sure everyone's taken care of.

It's fun to create a dream hotel with Grand Hotel Mania! This hotel simulator can be challenging, but it's always worth it. This idle game features many power-ups as it goes on to help you become a hotel empire tycoon. They make the game more fun and engaging!

Enjoy everything this hotel game has to offer!

Grand Hotel Mania is a time-management game in which you have to serve all your guests on time! Just like in the real world, it'll teach you to be a hotel master who can prioritize correctly. Manage your helpers and bring in more clients to be a hotel empire tycoon. Manage time and resources right, and everyone will be happy!

Add a variety of delicacies in this hotel simulator because cooking is important to satisfy your hungry guests. Ted is an excellent cook who can make any dish: pasta, pizza, sushi, and anything the heart desires!

Travel the world to develop your hotel chain! The hotels in each country have unique characteristics and themes. Travelers from around the world are eager to enjoy your luxury service, so there's no time to be an idle hotel tycoon!

Download Grand Hotel Mania to become a hotel master. It's a great idle game that offers adventure at every corner. This time-management game will leave you feeling on top of the world!

Brought to you by MY.GAMES B.V.

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Komentar tentang Grand Hotel Mania: Hotel games versi Android

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Game sampah & tidak manuasiawi,,game yang bikin stres..apaan tamunya sengaja dibikin berlama2 dalam kamar sementara tamu yg lain antri & kamar sudah full,,begitu keluar bukannya cek out malah masih memesan makanan lagi,waktu habis terbuang sia2 menunggu tamu yg berlama2..

Pertanyaan Umum APK Grand Hotel Mania: Hotel games

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Ya, Grand Hotel Mania: Hotel games mengikuti pedoman konten Google Play untuk memastikan penggunaan yang aman di perangkat Android Anda.

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Ya, Anda dapat memutar Grand Hotel Mania: Hotel games di komputer Anda dengan menginstal emulator Android - LDPlayer. Setelah menginstal LDPlayer, cukup drag dan drop file APK yang diunduh ke emulator untuk mulai memutar Grand Hotel Mania: Hotel games di PC. Alternatifnya, Anda dapat membuka emulator, mencari game atau aplikasi yang ingin Anda mainkan di Play Store yang ada di dalam LDPlayer, dan menginstalnya dari sana.

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