Fruit Merge: Watermelon Puzzle

Merge fruits & discover bigger delights! Can you unlock the ultimate watermelon?
Osman Senol

Unduh Fruit Merge: Watermelon Puzzle APK

Versi: kapan 5.1
Diperbarui pada 2023-11-08
Kategori Teka-teki
Nama paket
Unduhan 100+

Deskripsi Fruit Merge: Watermelon Puzzle

🎉Embark on an Exhilarating Fruit Fusion Quest!
Step into a world where fruits don't just meet; they evolve. In Fruit Merge: Watermelon Puzzle, pair identical fruits and watch them evolve into a new kind. Your mission? To discover the majestic watermelon by merging your way through challenges.

🌏 Battle Players Worldwide!
Show off your merging prowess by competing against players globally. With a leaderboard to conquer, aim to merge the mightiest watermelon and claim the top spot.

🧠 Elevate Your Merge Game!
Every fruit drop is a decision. Every merge is a strategy. Keep your wits about you, prevent the fruits from overflowing, and indulge in unpredictable fruit evolutions.

🔥 Daily Hurdles, Fresh Adventures!
Every new day comes with its set of challenges. Improve your merging skills and vie for a place of pride on the global stage.

✨ Crafted for Continuous Delight!
Experience fluid gameplay and stellar graphics tailored for endless merging entertainment. Every aspect, from visuals to mechanics, is designed for your optimal enjoyment.

🍎 Ready for the Fruit Merging Challenge?
Plunge into a world filled with delightful fruit merges, dynamic strategies, and the race to the ultimate watermelon. Begin your mesmerizing fruit fusion journey today!

Unduh APK Android
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Komentar tentang Fruit Merge: Watermelon Puzzle versi Android

I like the idea, but there was lots and lots of ads, and it is just a knock-off do not try putting it on air plane mode i tried it and it needs wifi, wifi is a nother problem with the game this would be a good game if there was a twist and not a knock-off also that it would not require wifi it would be so fun I do get adds here and there but not like this . I hope this helped
Add timing is bad. It interrupts the falling and merging of fruit stacks, so you don't get to watch. Detracts from the entire experience.
Disappointing. Everytime you get a new fruit you have to watch an ad. I understand there is going to be ads and I was okay with that but there are so many. Too many to enjoy the game.

Pertanyaan Umum APK Fruit Merge: Watermelon Puzzle

Apakah Fruit Merge: Watermelon Puzzle aman untuk perangkat saya?

Ya, Fruit Merge: Watermelon Puzzle mengikuti pedoman konten Google Play untuk memastikan penggunaan yang aman di perangkat Android Anda.

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File dengan ekstensi .xapk adalah file paket terkompresi. Ini adalah format file kontainer yang menggabungkan APK dan file terkait tambahan yang diperlukan untuk instalasi. Format XAPK diperkenalkan untuk mengemas file APK dan file OBB bersama-sama untuk proses pengiriman dan instalasi yang lancar. Format XAPK dapat membantu mengurangi ukuran paket aplikasi. Di ponsel, pengguna perlu menginstal installer XAPK terlebih dahulu, kemudian menginstal file XAPK melalui installer tersebut. Anda dapat menemukan penginstalnya di sini: pasang/. Namun pada PC client, Anda hanya perlu meletakkan file tersebut di LDPlayer.

Bisakah saya memutar Fruit Merge: Watermelon Puzzle di komputer saya?

Ya, Anda dapat memutar Fruit Merge: Watermelon Puzzle di komputer Anda dengan menginstal emulator Android - LDPlayer. Setelah menginstal LDPlayer, cukup drag dan drop file APK yang diunduh ke emulator untuk mulai memutar Fruit Merge: Watermelon Puzzle di PC. Alternatifnya, Anda dapat membuka emulator, mencari game atau aplikasi yang ingin Anda mainkan di Play Store yang ada di dalam LDPlayer, dan menginstalnya dari sana.

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