
Pass the new theory test for the hunter exam on the first try!
Boboshi AB

Unduh Jägarexamen APK

Versi: kapan
Diperbarui pada 2023-09-06
Peringkat 4
Kategori Pendidikan
Nama paket com.boboshi.jagarexamen
Unduhan 5+

Deskripsi Jägarexamen

Jägarexamen teaches you everything you need to know to pass the new digital theory test for the hunting exam and is Sweden's most downloaded, content-rich and smartest training app for future hunters who are going to take the hunting exam and for more experienced hunters who want to brush up on their skills before the hunting season.


The hunting degree makes studying easier and more fun and makes your path to the hunting degree shorter and cheaper. Pay once and get access to the app forever - no monthly costs, no hidden fees, no advertising.


Since its launch in 2012, Jägarexamen has helped tens of thousands of people with their exam and has been featured on jagareforbundet.se, jaktjournalen.se, jaktbloggen.com, macworld.se, pcforalla.idg.se, prisjakt.nu/pryl and in the newspapers Svensk Jakt and Hunting grounds & Fishing waters.


With the Jägarexamen, you can play your way through the entire theory training with the educational game Hunting Trip. The game consists of short theory lessons, species presentations, videos and various types of tests. During the game you collect stars and unlock medals. Once you've passed the game, you'll have all the knowledge you need to pass the real theory test!

The hunting exam also contains six different types of tests: smart practice tests that adapt to your level of knowledge, game tests, subject tests, bird tests with only bird images, realistic theory tests and custom tests where you choose all the settings yourself. In our question database there are over 1,300 theory questions that are very similar to the questions on the real exam. In order for all new knowledge to sink in, all questions have clear explanations that quickly help you understand even the most difficult questions.

The app also includes a searchable and easy-to-read theory book that summarizes all hunting theory, a video basic course in safe gun handling and shooting, a checklist that guides you through all the steps leading up to your hunting exam, detailed test statistics that show your progress in 50 different subjects and an encyclopedia with all Sweden's wildlife with lots of pictures and videos!


• 1,300 theory questions with clear explanations.

• Educational game that makes studying easier and more fun.

• Six different types of tests: smart practice tests, game tests, topic tests, bird tests with only bird pictures, realistic theory tests and your own tests where you choose all the settings yourself.

• Test statistics that show your progress and make it easy to start tests on the subjects you need to study more on.

• Clear and comprehensible correction that links each question directly to the correct part of the hunting theory or game encyclopedia.

• Basic video course in safe weapon handling and shooting.

• Built-in playback function that allows you to listen to all content.

• Searchable Wildlife Encyclopedia with over 110 species presentations and 500 high-resolution images and videos.

• Easy-to-read and searchable theory book with lots of pictures, examples and smart features: continue reading where you left off, see how much you have left to read in each chapter and bookmark important passages.

• The ability to pause and resume tests and go through all previously taken tests and saved questions.

• Checklist that guides you through all the steps leading up to your hunter qualification.

• Adapted for both phones and tablets.

• No monthly costs. No hidden fees. No advertisement.

• Fast support via e-mail.


The theory questions in Jägarexamen cover everything you must know to pass the new digital theory test, and as soon as a law or rule is introduced or changes, we update the app.

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Bisakah saya memutar Jägarexamen di komputer saya?

Ya, Anda dapat memutar Jägarexamen di komputer Anda dengan menginstal emulator Android - LDPlayer. Setelah menginstal LDPlayer, cukup drag dan drop file APK yang diunduh ke emulator untuk mulai memutar Jägarexamen di PC. Alternatifnya, Anda dapat membuka emulator, mencari game atau aplikasi yang ingin Anda mainkan di Play Store yang ada di dalam LDPlayer, dan menginstalnya dari sana.