ASMR Keyboard - Antistress Toy

Make your mind calm and improve your life’s quality by getting rid of stress
Ega Games

Unduh ASMR Keyboard - Antistress Toy APK

Diperbarui pada 2023-11-03
Peringkat 3.4
Nama paket com.ega.asmr.keyboard.relax.antistress
Unduhan 5+

Deskripsi ASMR Keyboard - Antistress Toy

Feeling overwhelmed by stress? Do you desire calm and mindfulness? Then, without delay, download our antistress and relaxing games to enter a world free from stress, brimming with stress and anxiety relief games. The pop it game and a range of other relaxing games featured in this app can assist you in achieving a relaxed and tranquil state of mind, even amidst life's most demanding conditions.

This app is worth exploring due to its top-notch features. The key attributes of our antistress and relaxing games encompass:

- Satisfying games and activities for promoting mindfulness.
- Relaxing games that provide anxiety relief within minutes.
- The pop it game and an array of other antistress and anxiety relief games.
-Interactive gameplay offering an exceptional user experience.
- Smooth game controls for hassle-free playing of antistress and stress relief games.
- High-quality relaxing sounds designed to alleviate stress.
- Antistress and relaxing games offer endless opportunities for experiencing tranquility and happiness while relieving all your worries.

There's no need to carry stress with you everywhere, as you can engage with stress and anxiety relief games whenever your mind is weighed down by tension. These satisfying games will never disappoint you, serving as the perfect companions on your journey to anxiety relief.

If your mind is weary from the daily grind and you yearn for tranquility, then antistress and stress anxiety relief games can be your ideal companions on this journey. This app offers an assortment of games, including sand cutting, soap cutting, and the pop it game.

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Komentar tentang ASMR Keyboard - Antistress Toy versi Android

I have a couple of apps like this and enjoy using them. I was excited at first because you had some games that I have never seen before. However it grew really frustrating because there were MORE things that required an ad to use than otherwise. It's just not fun to use, and definitely did NOT relieve any stress, but only added to it. I have two options. I can pay the money in frustration so I can use all of the options. Or I can just Uninstall it. I'll be doing the latter.
Look I'm not being funny this is one of the worst games you go to play and everytime you even touch the screen you get an ad now like I tried to prove no and that's fine I'll get ads on every single second I do it because I just want to have fun bass annoyed it don't get banned for that I just want to play a game that please stop making very very very very very bad games like this also no one should ever play this if you have it uninstall IT
of course it NEEDS internet also waayy to many ads the thing i wanted that they advertise isnt in the game the "antistress toys" kinda suck and arent that fun. 2.5/10

Pertanyaan Umum APK ASMR Keyboard - Antistress Toy

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Ya, Anda dapat memutar ASMR Keyboard - Antistress Toy di komputer Anda dengan menginstal emulator Android - LDPlayer. Setelah menginstal LDPlayer, cukup drag dan drop file APK yang diunduh ke emulator untuk mulai memutar ASMR Keyboard - Antistress Toy di PC. Alternatifnya, Anda dapat membuka emulator, mencari game atau aplikasi yang ingin Anda mainkan di Play Store yang ada di dalam LDPlayer, dan menginstalnya dari sana.

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